目前分類:魚の出街揾食 (14)

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 Red on the neck

 Creamy Choco Love

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如果你有時間, 請到置地3/F 的 L'Atelier 看看,
店鋪很精緻, 貨品就像一件件珠寶放在飾櫃裡....

你要那一件寶物, 店鋪小姐就小心奕奕拉開飾櫃拿出來給你
你也會開開心心交出銀兩, 拿回家跟喜歡的人分享.

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一句講晒:Service 好, 食物好, 價錢都好貴


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看到排列整齊的工具, 便知道有好 嘢食 !!!

先來飲個迷你佛跳牆...很足料.... 嗰啖湯都幾正 !!!

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Both of us love this restaurant....
Every once in a while, when we have mood to have Italian Food, we go there.....

This evening, after the meeting with the clients @ Festival Walk, we went there again....
Lucky that we didn't make the reservation but still with table

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最近, 亞士厘道的食店都變成我跟大王的熱門晚飯地點.
Pizza Express 還是頭一次去....

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So, Eric and I have visited the Triple O's few days ago, we did bring a lot of expectation to there.... but the fact is "the best is yet to come" ..
(The photos are not very nice, (as we forgot to bring the camera) but using Eric's new cell phone. 
Though it's 320Mpx, the color is not very good.)

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So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.....

山頂凌宵閣的餐廳重新執位, 看過雜誌的介紹, 
選了新開的BubbaGump為好同事 Vera  farewell.....
Vera 給我的感覺是很勤力, 對人真誠, 

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中秋迎月當晚回娘家做節, 不過還是二十多年來頭一回出外吃, 
選了在娘家附近的二宜樓, 新開張不夠半年, 鋪仔細細, 中式典雅格局....


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久仰 Krispy Kreme 的大名, 外國朋友摧之若慕...
魚自問對 Donuts 都是一般, 因為它是美國肥仔恩物.... 
"急需"on-diet 的魚 shouldn't touch it !!!

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看她一篇又一篇的食評...吸引我到她介紹的一間食肆拜訪, 順道慶祝奶奶生日
我和老公比預約的時間早到達, 在酒店的29/F 頂層. 

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今日起床已是早上11時, 日上三竿, 破壞了原來的schedule,
約了細佬到花墟買花, 買小盆栽, 行下.....

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如果要我選"我最喜愛的食物十大", 海南雞飯一定入選...
其實咁多年來, 吃過真係好味的, 實在不多...
門口招牌大大隻字寫住 ''全香港最好的海南雞飯",
咁, 就同大王去探個究竟la...

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  • Aug 08 Tue 2006 00:11
  • 茶走


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